Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Okay, so maybe committing to blogging every day of the week was a little ambitious. Especially since I haven't blogged in a month or two. opps.  The Christmas season was busy to say it lightly and there was little to no time to spend blogging.  Don't hear me wrong-- not blogging was a good thing as it is evidence of the energy and excitement Christmas held this year. It was a season of great joy. BUT all that said, it is now 2014-- a year I'm already pretty fond of.  It sounds silly and cheesy, but I have a good feeling about this year guys.  And because I do have a tendency to think I can get more done than I actually can, I have decided my 2014 commitment to blogging is 2-4 times a week. Doesn't that sound way more reasonable? (nod your head yes) Yeah, I think so too.  

So before we dive into the design world, 2014 resolutions, and projects at work, I thought I'd share a little of my past few weeks with y'all.  I was very blessed to have the opportunity to spend time with so many loved people in my life over Christmas.  My heart and soul feel completely recharged.  Its a good feeling going into the next year.  Bring. on. the. adventure.